Friday, March 30, 2012

Once Again!

           Once again I finished reading the Book of Mormon today!  I think this may have been the fastest I've ever read it.  I started January first and have finished it just this morning.  I'm so grateful for this book and for the characters in it.  Characters with character!
           I also watched one of the new videos of Christ's life this morning on  What an amazing man.  I was able to feel the Spirit and think of all Christ has done for me and it is oh so much!  I think one of my favorite lines from this movie clip is the one which says, "The cup which my father hath given me - shall I not drink it?"  I think we need to be more submissive to our Heavenly Father.  If there are trials in our lives, we shouldn't run from them, but face them as the Savior did!  Trust our Father in Heaven that everything will be alright.  If you want to watch it, click on the link below:

          So What:  Be more submissive.  AND if you haven't read the Book of Mormon, I challenge you to do that!  Much love!   -- Amber Allen

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trust. Faith. Hope.

          Well, so much for posting twice a week, eh?  Better late than never:
          I took a trip to Virginia, flew out on March 2nd, to visit my brother Gregg and had one of my favorite trips of all times.  I can't believe how much I truly did enjoy it and how much I learned.  It's things like that trip that remind me that God knows what he's doing.  He is a master weaver and author!  Who knew that my Grandma and Grandpa Allen would be called to North Carolina, closer to my Aunt Rishi and her family who live over there!?  Who knew that Gregg would go to school out there? Who knew that I would need the experience of going to visit them before my mission to get me in gear and open my eyes to what the mission field is gunna be like?  No one but God knew it, and He really does plan things in advance, though we may not understand at first, there is a reason!  We can learn so much!
           1 Samuel 16:7 says, "For the Lord seeth not as man seeth."
           Also, in Isaiah 55:8, the Lord says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
           I just learn over and over that I need to trust God.  I need to believe that He not only exists but he loves me.  He will do what is best for me, and he will help me when I most need His help.  I'm grateful for his oversight in my life and that He will answer my questions! 
           So What:  Trust, Faith, Hope.  Just do it.