Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Haha, HELLO America!  (And whoever else reads these that is living in various other countries of the world???)  What a great time we have to be alive.  Can I just say I love Preperation Days?  They are always SO needed and just in time.  Today I'm excited to just write to you all.  I haven't read all your e-mails yet, but I see I've got some Happy-Birthday wishes, so thank you!  And it's super weird that I'm going to be 22...especially when I still feel 18 or so...

This week was awesome.  We got really good numbers and talked to lots of awesome people and I am just learning a TON.  I got to go to Katowice this week!  I was there for just one day, two nights, and so technically three different days I was there but only one full day.  On the way there I talked to a strawberry-blonde headed guy, curly hair, reminded me of Jed...wait is that his name?  Laura Mumm's brother... yeah he was cool and has travelled a lot.  The other guy that talked with us was a father of two little kids and they were both just really awesome.  They didn't want a book of Mormon but I think they have a better idea of what being a 'Mormon' is like and who we are and what we stand for!

While in Katowice I had a miracle happen.  Our mission president has asked us to envision the people we want to find.  To really think about them, what do they look like, who are they, etc.  I remember thinking Tuesday morning as I woke up in Katowice, okay Katowice needs a family, what does this family look like?  Well I pictured a couple who weren't exactly skinny, the wife was not fat but bigger and with dark hair, the husband had a bit of stubble on his chin and was also chunky.  They had a little kid at their side, like one that could walk around but was still pretty small... Well, guess what!  Tuesday night, we're walking through this tunnel to go tracting and here they come, walking straight for us!  Oh man... when you contact a family you get like sweaty palms and your mind is racing.  You want so bad to tell them that this gospel is EXACTLY what they want, what they need and that we've got Primary and Young Women's and Young Men's and a living Prophet and the Book of Mormon and it's all TRUE and you can live with God again and Christ too!  And you can be happy and have answers to your questions, etc., etc.!  OH MAN!  But I don't even remember what I said to them first, hey there we're missionaries and we'd like to share a message about Christ, maybe something like that - and the dad goes 'Are you guys mormons?' - In Polish... and we're like, 'yeah that's our nickname' and he's like 'I love mormons!'  Haha... cool.  He'd actually had Jehowah's witnesses knock on their door just that very day!  But now God was interferring and letting these good Christian people know that he wants them to have the truth!  It was so cool.  The more we talked I realized how cool this was.  They were so willing to set up and meet, they're not Catholic, they're not Jehowah's Witness, they're really not anything!  They just read the Bible and want to be good Christian people and they are so awesome.  AND they're the family I pictured that morning.  They had an additional two daughters to the little boy I saw when I pictured them... but the more the better!  Their son, Piotr, I think, is 3 and so cute.  Anyways, the church is true, ALWAYS do what your missionary president tells you! :)

The exchange was very fun and really helped me see contrast to my area here in Warsaw and how I can always be more grateful!  I'm so grateful for this big fast city of warsaw, seriously.  I've been here so long I forgot how slow and quiet it can be in a smaller city.  There's SO MANY PEOPLE in Warsaw, I love it.  I never thought of myself as living in a big city, being a city girl, because I love living out by the lake, not many neighbors, fields and cows and mountains and trees... but I guess it's good to be well rounded.  I officially like big cities and na wsi :)

At one point this week, and I can't remember if it was on my way back in the train (with five bubbly women from Warsaw working for a phone company called Orange) or at another time, but I once again pulled out pictures of my family to show someone (I do it often, in case you are wondering) and someone asked, 'do you have a favorite?  - Referring to siblings... haha, I honestly said 'NOPE!  I love them all!'  - So guys, hope you know I love you all, SO VERY MUCH!

I got the mother-load of letters this week!  Thanks Everyone!

Man, I'm thinking about moving out of Warsaw and I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I think I want to leave, I love Warsaw, but I feel like it may be time... and I also think it'd be fun to open a new city with a trainee.  We'd have a good time.  I'm convinced I'm getting the best trainee of the whole group, so just you watch and see!  Yes, but as I'm thinking about moving, I've realized how much STUFF I've accumulatized... way too much stuff.  How am I going to bring it all home?  

Just yesterday we had a lesson with a woman named Anna.  She's got a baptismal date and she's super awesome.  She asked us 'why don't people want to talk about religion?'  I said, 'Yeah good question!  I don't KNOW!'  - It's been so interesting to me, how everyone says how religious this country is and how few people actually want to talk about it.  I can't generalize (because recently that's been a pet-peeve of mine, generalizing...assuming) but a lot of these people don't like talking about God.  As we talked more with Ana and a sister from our branch, it was so nice to hear how they had similar thoughts, that we should talk more about spiritual things - your spirit longs for you to talk about those things that matter most!  It's so important!  So don't stop talking about spiritual things just because other people don't want to... I mean respect them and try to be kind, however, be more open to spiritual conversations!  Learn to love talking about Christ and his Atonement, about the gospel, about your family, because these things ARE WHAT MATTERS MOST!

Also yesterday, we had an awesome opportunity to hand out 3 books of mormon in less than an hour.  Cool thing was, our goal was 10 for the week - usually that is our goal - and we'd only handed out 7... so we were hoping to hand out three and whalla!  The first was to a girl from Vietnam who I'd tracted into with Sister Sheahan and we'd returned once but she wasn't home so I wasn't sure we'd catch her, but we did!  The second was to a woman who said she actually helped the church get started in Poland!  She said she met 'our president' which that could be any number of people - but maybe the prophet!  And that she helped introduce him to the president of religions or something in Poland... COOL!  The third Book was to a young couple, probably just Boyfriend and Girlfriend, but so nice.  They thought that Mormons had weird hats and long side burns and beards and that the women wear long skirts... And I didn't know I had it in me but we really joked around with them on this contact, 'Yeah, well do we look like them?' we said, 'Uh...nope!' 'Yeah so basically those films you've been watching are wrong... and then they wouldn't give us their # because 'you might be murderers'... once again... 'Yep, we're murderers...' I said, jokingly, they laughed and thought that was pretty good... then we invited them to our shin-dig this Saturday and they're like, 'whoa you guys are cool!' and then we told them about how they should pray about the book of mormon and she goes, 'sounds like a pretty rational thing to do,'  - yeah and they were just kind of shocked and saying how cool this was... they're going to be Mormons some day.   I like them.

I was reading a letter from my friend Elder Cattron - serving in Chile - and he talks about how he has to climb all these mountains to get to the next part of the city and such... well I realized that I should be grateful for the hill-less flat-ness of Poland :)  There were a few more hills in Katowice, and a very pretty sunset, I really loved that exchange to Kato, it was beautiful and peaceful and just really good for me!

One more silly story.  So we go over to this girl's house to share the message of the restoration, she's a college student from Ukraine and is the cutest thing ever.  She loves people and is ALWAYS smiling.  She speaks pretty good polish, english, and ukrainian.  She'll make a great mom, and young women's leader some day.  On our way to her house, we see her on the same tramwaj as us and then she comes and sits by us and we talk about the rain (it rained pretty good a couple days this week, but now the sun is out and it's GORGEOUS!) and she had to work from like 1 in the morning until like 11:30 ish - at the airport...it's starting to be busy season there so she's really busy... anyways we get to her house and she asks us if she can make us tea... Um nope we don't drink tea.  'O.k. well can I make you jam water?  My mom always made it for me growing up, it's good.'  Um... okay?  So she heats up the water, puts tea in her cup with the hot water, and in our cups homemade ukranian cranberry jam.  Mix it up...and whalla, your new favorite beverage.  Ha, who would have thought!  They've gotten me eating pickle soup, lots of cabbage and mushrooms, and now jam-water!  Oh man.  I love this adventure!

The church is true, folks, the Book of Mormon is the BEST!  I read about the Brother Of Jared today and wow, what a man.  He's such a great example of faith.  I know I can keep working on my faith and believe in miracles.  You can all do it with me!  :)  God lives.  Christ died for you.  It's all going to turn out okay!  Love, love, love ya!
- Siostra Amber Allen

Monday, April 15, 2013

When the going gets tough, the Tough get GOING!

This is Amber's mother again. My son taught me how to get the photos on this here blog, so lots of fun pictures from last week!!
Dear Family,
Yay for Kim Butcher!  And Scott Henderson congrats on his call!  And congratulations to Bryant Smith.

I think I'll answer Spencer's questions as the rest of my e-mail and then I've really got to fly!

How's it going?
     Seeing as today I get to go on an EXCHANGE to KATOWICE, I'm super stoked.  And the sun is shining, and today is not Saturday so I'm happy!
How hard was it to learn Polish?
      What are you talking about?  I have not learned polish yet.  I am LEARNING polish and will probably ALWAYS be learning polish.  It's super hard...AND I LOVE IT!
Are you still learning some new stuff or do you have it all down?
       Please see the above statement.
Is their any similar words in English and Polish?
       Tak!  Such as: autobus = bus...  balloon = balon... e-mail = e-mail...(pretty much all the words invented in the last 30 years are the same as they are in english...so like scan = skan) and there are others, I will make a list and send it to you.
How are the two languages different? Are they really really different or what?
       Yep, pretty much completely different. 

ha ha, that was fun...

there is a camera on this computer...

The old lady is Ada.  She thinks she can't leave her house... yeah right, my girl Elżbieta is like twenty years older than you and still walking to church!  But I still love Ada, she's a hoot.  Sister Howells and I keep it real with Ada, we think she likes it....

 me starting to build my fantastic snowman

on a lunch break in front of Stalin's Tower in Warsaw, Poland... what is this crazy life?  Aaah!  I love it!

me and my awesome snowman!

And some pictures close to the Metro in Warsaw!

Do you know some Russian because of your ability to speak Polish?
        No...I don't think so... send me some Russian and I'll tell you if I understand it...
So on P-day can you go play basketball or soccer or anything? Do you juggle at all or what? What all do you do on P-day? Laundry, shopping, exercising, what else?
       We can play sports on P-day, yes.  But usually we don't have time.  We have to do laundry, shopping, and cleaning.  Today I have even LESS time because I have a train I have to catch to go to Katowice.  I haven't practiced Soccer since I was in Poznań with Sister Bezdjian... :( I miss it.
What was the weather like there?
       Well, it's been pretty nice lately, the last like four days.  There was some rain, and clouds, but definitely sunshine sometimes too.  I'm not even wearing a coat today!  Just a sweatshirt! :) yaya!
I was going to try and study PMG every week, have any tips?
       Read it from front to back.  Learn the order of the lessons in Chapter 3... the headings and the flow of the lessons.  think of questions people will ask you about your church and how you would answer them.
What about scripture masteries? Should I just memorize them all or should I memorize them all and get to know a few really well?
       I've been memorizing them as I get ready for the day and as I exercise in the mornings.  You should memorize them all, as in where they are and what the idea is, but yeah just memorize your FAVORITES really well.  God will put you where he needs you and he knows your strengths so he'll work with them.  Also, USE your scripture masteries...like during the day think of times when they would apply and quote them out loud.
Are there some that you use a lot?   
     yeah, but I think it's because I'm in Poland - with a bunch of catholics and they have some similar questions...not sure which ones you will be using.  But like Mosiah 3:19 Natural Man is an Enemy to God... Moroni 8 talking about infant baptism.  John 3:5 you MUST be baptized to enter into the kingdom of God... 2 N:2:25, you're here to find HAPPINESS!... just to mention a few...
In PMG do you use the Restoration lesson a lot?
     That's the one you teach the most.  Learn how to teach it in 3 minutes or less!
Which lesson should I get to know the best?
     All of them... really you already know them, just make sure you know the scriptures that apply to every part of it and see if you can teach it without notes... also think of random people and weird situations where you may have to teach!
So the ladies who got baptized on Saturday do they count as your baptisms?
    I don't know how to 'count' someone as 'my' baptism... but I would say yes.  I did not find these ladies though, they found the church themselves.
Yes, I know I'm nearing my Year Mark.  It's crazy.
Elzbieta and Czesława.

 our awesome english student, Angelika and her grandma.  LOVE THEM!

Also a quick story I sent to my president today:
The elders in my district are angels. I love the priesthood, and in a good way. I was really stressed,  

(Amber wrote this part to her mother -Well we didn't have an opening prayer, he didn't show up, then we couldn't have the one Elder be a witness because he doesn't speak polish...and then we didn't have the keys to the font and i felt like a lot of things were going wrong, when really not everything was all that bad.  A LOT of things were going right!  At least our baptismal candidates showed UP!  Then the worst of it all hit when our sweet old ladies couldn't get themselves all the way under the water.  Actually only one of them ended up getting baptized...the second one now has high blood pressure and a bad head ache and we're waiting on renting a swimming pool to help her recieve this important ordinance)

the elders knew it and without saying they wanted to calm me down, just helped me laugh it off. Then yesterday when our plans got messed up and we weren't going to be able to eat all day, another set of elders brought us dinner at the chapel! Just thinking about my district makes me want to cry. I love them! I love Warsaw! Seriously, thank-you, President for inspiring the Elders of Poland, Warsaw Mission to be men. They are awesome.
 Yep!So that was a bunch of random information, but I'm going on an exchange today! We listen to conference talks in the morning as a companionship and I LOVE IT.  It gives me thinking food for the rest of the day. I know God lives and loves us!  I am so grateful for refining experiences and how much God trusts me even though I'm so weak!  I love you guys so much!
- Amber Allen

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

more pictures ??!!

Hello everyone, this is Ambers mother! I have been trying for a LONG TIME to post several pictures but it is not working. Check back in a few hours or maybe tomorrow and hopefully view more pictures! Thanks for all your prayers in Ambers behalf and for your emails!

25 Words

If I only had 25 words left to tell you, Allen Family, to znacze Gregg, Nathan, Spencer, Rachel, James, Luke, Hyrum, Mom, and Dad... it would be the following (ok so I thought this up quick but, maybe that's better!)

God comes first!  Love others like unto yourself.  Smile Always.  Work harder today than yesterday.  Christ is the center of your life.  I LOVE YOU!

And that's that.  I hope you know that I know that Christ lives and loves us.  I was so blessed to be able to listen to Conference this week end.  I listened to the Young Women's Conference in English, the Saturday Morning Session in Polish.  The Saturday Evening Session in English, the Sunday morning session in Polish and the Priesthood Session in Polish.  So I may or may not have understood quite a bit of the ones that were in Polish.  It's at times like this that I realize I really have a long ways to go in this language still.  But I did understand main ideas and... most of it?  If you tune out for like three seconds, you're done for... that's the thing!  And it was dark and I was trying to take notes... haha but I loved it!  I had a count down chain in my apartment for Conference I was so excited.  And I have to say that the Young Women's Conference was my favorite.  They showed a short video clip about a young girl going to the temple and it reminded me of those fun days when I'd wake up real early and make the trip to the temple.  Especially when it was super cold and I'd get in my truck and drive the squealing thing to the temple.  Man, I miss the temple.  I love it so much.  I love this church, SO MUCH!  I'm so grateful for the influence it has on my life and it's just so grand and so great it's so hard to share in one sentence on a tramwaj or in a bus to get someone interested quickly.  I wish so bad that I could just show them!  Show them everything!  The Book of Mormon, the Bible, The Doctrine and Covenants, every conference i've ever watched!  Ah, man.

So I DID get your package... sorry I thought I wrote about it, but just talked about it in my recording, and so I'll send the recording... THANKS SO MUCH!  It was so awesome to get it!  I LOVE PACKAGES!  And I will not open my new package until my birthday, I promise.

Someone wanted to know what kind of music we are allowed to listen to here, and we are allowed to listen to Mormon Tabernacle Choir and hymns of the church,  nothing else.
Also I was asked the following questions:

What's your favorite Polish food so far?
I love bigos!  It's so good... and I miss it, actually, haven't had it in a while.  I don't like their cheesecakes - they are dry and usually have like prunes or something in them!
How's the language? Speaking it like a pro?? What is your favorite word to say?
I love the language, it's hard and therefore fun and challenging.  the Elders in our district are pretty good at it and like to correct me.  I'm grateful for their correction, it's good for me!  I am speaking alright, but I wouldn't say I'm the best at it, or a pro.  My favorite word to say?  Well it used to be śmierć... which means death...and sounds like it too... but now?  Hmmm... I love the word Zmartwychwstanie, which means The Resurrection.  Or you could say, pewnego dnia my wszysce zmartwychwstaniemy!  Which means some day we will all be resurrected!  :) yaya!
Any super crazy stories that you would hesitate to tell your mother?
Haha...  I'll have to think about that one...
How is the candy over there? Do you even eat candy? If so, what is your favorite?
The candy over here is pretty delicious.  I love their piernik... I think that's how you spell it... their gingerbread.  It's so good!  But not really a candy.  I get lots of candy from the states (thanks to Mom and Jason and Tonja) so I've yet to go through all of that.  They have really good chocolate here, I've probably eaten more chocolate on my mission than ever before, you know I don't like chocolate... I don't eat it too much though, still.
My favorite candy candy, though... still those sour green apple rings - they have them here too :)
What are you studying in the scriptures right now? Are your scriptures color coded and marked like crazy?
I'm going through the Book of Mormon with my mission right now, so I'm in 3 Nephi.  Actually this morning I read about the beattitudes and it was like Christ was speakind directly to me.  I'm so grateful for the scriptures, they always tell me what I need to hear and when I need to hear it!  I love learning more about the Savior!  As I read, we have been asked to mark our scriptures in the following way: RED = refrences to Christ, BLUE = refrences to REPENTANCE, PURPLE = Faith, and GREEN = Obedience, so yeah they are pretty marked up.  Mostly my Preach My Gospel is more marked up than anything else.  I've organized all my thoughts in there rather than in the scriptures... and in my scripture journal.  Perhaps I need to do more pondering and also pisać in my scriptures!

Nie wiem czy lubicie jak pisam popolsku... czy lubicie?  Mam nadzieja że tak!  Bo lubie czasami.  Musie powiedzieć że jestem wdzięczna ża was a dla wszystko robicie!  Dziękuje!  Kocham was dużo!

O.k. what else...
The sun is shining again!  And I'm so excited for Summer!  Seriously... let's have it.
We had an awesome lesson with a girl named Rose this week, except for in Polish that's Róża.  She's the bomb.  And we're excited for a BAPTISM this weekend.  My two favorite super old Polish ladies in the whole world!  Sister Czesława and Sister Elżbieta will be baptized this Saturday at 2:00 by Filip and Godfrey and I'm so excited.  I really do love these ladies.  They tell us stories and tell us to rest and to stay warm and to not be on the streets late at night.  They are just so cute and throw snow balls at the elders (or at eachother) and talk about their favorite t.v. show - Blind Date... haha... oh man.  They're a hoot and I love them SO much!  They will be baptized forwards and not backwards because of back problems :) haha!

Those are the two getting baptized! :) yay!

Well, I know there's more to say but I'm going to send this now before it gets too late, to make sure the pictures get sent today.  Know that I love you and that the church is SO true!  It was so good to hear from JENNY WILLIAMS!  I love Sister Williams a ton.  And it was also good to hear from the PRIMARY kids this week!  Thanks for the letters guys!  You are all so awesome! (especially thanks to luke and James, I miss you guys too!) Keep doing what Jesus would do and you will always have a reason to be happy!  Also I got an e-mail from Tasha, and it made my week.  So thanks Tasha!  I wanted to tell you that here there are people named Kasia which is your name but with a 'K' on front instead of a 'T' also, there are lots of girls named Maja - which is your middle name...so I think about you a lot.

Love you all tons!  Keep up the hard work,
- Sister Amber Allen