Saturday, August 10, 2013

Learning Heaven

Happy Birthday Grandma Ethel -  :) I wore pink today even!  I didn't even look at my list of birthdays, just felt like it was her birthday, but I wasn't sure :)  I'm glad I remembered - and glad I have someone watching out for me from the other side :) And I'm glad she's a convert too.

Yesterday was Sister Young's birthday and she's now 20!  Yay!  That's pretty fun.  Thankfully, the Onkens had us over for dinner and even made cake with a candle and she got to make a wish and blow out a candle.  Sooooo nice of them!  It was pretty much the best dinner of my life - considering the difficult hot and sweaty and fasting day we had yesterday -

This week has been actually one of the coolest of my mission.  Oh, wait, the HOTTEST in terms of weather... but coolest as in rockin' in terms of awesomeness.  We had some CRAZY experiences and I just have to remind myself I'm not dreaming sometimes.  But it was about a lady named Teresa.  She is a little old lady whose number was on the old contact sheets of the Elders.  They gave them to us, we called her, she's 79, and turns out that she says she was baptized.  Um, she's a long lost MEMBER!  Well, the elders are a bit skeptical but on the Sister's side of town, that's our story and we're stickin' to it!  To make it more exciting, Teresa apparently is...was... pretty good friends of the late Pope John Paul II... haha, oh man... and I can't help but smile every time I think of that experience we had Friday night! :) :)

I read this in D&C 6 this morning, "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and Hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock they cannot prevail." - and I LOVE IT!  We're doing the Lord's work out here and I'm just loving it so much.  Really, when you put your faith first, when you LEAD with your FAITH and remember all the awesomeness that is backing you up in this church, then you really can't be unhappy.  The Church is TRUE, everyone, and oh if everyone could just know it!

I read again some of my favorite talks I've collected on my mission yesterday in personal study.  Let me state that again...  Yesterday in Personal Study, I read some of my favorite talks.  These were talks I've collected while on my mission :) there we go, nicer... :) One is called the Inconvenient Messiah by Elder Holland.  It was a speech to the students at BYU before I was born.  IT is MONEY.  He said that we need to never stop offering up our bruised hearts despite the continual rejection we get out here... He said that in our extremeties we will come to Know Christ and find the price to pay a PRIVILEDGE!  I saw a mom with four cute daughters today - that is VERY rare in Kraków, Poland.  I asked if all of them were her's - yes they are, she responded - WAY TO GO!  I told her, YES!  I know it's not easy, but the price to pay is a priviledge. 

Another talk called 'The Atonement: All for All' by Bruce C. Hafen said 'We can have eternal life if we want it, but only if there is nothing else we want more.' - it's so true.  So many times there are people who say they have enough, the're close enough to God.  Or people who say they can live in their sins and God will be merciful anyways.  That's not the way it works, my friends!  Mercy can only claim the repentant.  and Justice claims the atonement, and those who don't correctly use the atonement.  Let's all correctly use it!  Let's repent and come unto God and CHANGE.  I still have a lot of changing to do before I get to where God wants me.  But I'm grateful for this mission and all it's teaching me to change.  Aaaah!  I LOVE POLAND.  And most of all I love my Heavenly Father, He's... MAGICAL.  Like He's WAY better than Harry Potter!  Or Gandalf!

We have five new invesgetators this week - YES!  People actually said 'yes' to their commitments this week.  We had 13 lessons and we're shooting for 15, or above, I really want some more, but yes, this is what we are working on if you want to help pray for the efforts.

Not much more to say - even though I know I'm missing like a million stories... However, I know that the CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is TRUE!  YES there IS an institution on the Earth that is of God!  I know that President Monson is God's mouthpiece on the earth today just as in times of old.  WE ARE SO BLESSED.  You just remember how blessed you are this week and remember how you have been given your specific assignment in the Kingdom.  Fulfill it well.  What ere thou art, act well thy part!  Love you tons
-Siostra Amber Allen

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