Monday, February 4, 2013

Crepes Times TWO

First thing first, Congrats to Luke on getting baptized, and Nathan you looked great in a white jump suit!  It's so fun to be at a baptism, there really is a special spirit there.  There's also a special spirit in Sacrament meeting if we are listening and paying attention.  This week I really needed my Sabbath Day and it turned out to be just fabulous!  The sun was shining and there were three people who we invited to church who CAME!  One came with us to church and that was fun!  And then another guy came who we'd invited...and yet a third right before the Sacrament Prayer was said and I just couldn't stop smiling.  Yaya! 

Well, this week I learned a lot from a lot of people!  I love how you can learn from each one... some are so RANDOM!  We met this one guy who would NOT believe that we had SAVED money to be here, he just couldn't bring himself to believe it.  Silly... well if he can't even believe that we aren't being paid, I guess he won't believe that Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw!  Show me your faith people!  It's so hard in these times to have faith, but I know it's SO IMPORTANT!

We had crepes twice this week, and two days in a row, so delicious!  We found this concentrated milk stuff that is like caramel and put it on them - heaven!  Yay!  We also had a fun meeting at a new investegators house, the mom is from Poland and is married to a guy from Africa and they have four super cute kids!  I love them!  I really hope we get to meet with them again.  They gave us some delicious carrot cake kind of bread - YUM!!!

What I learned this week from one lady coming home from Church on the tramwaj was simply that you can be happy for REALS wherever you are! I hear so many people here complain about their country and about how America is so much better, etc., etc. This woman told me how much she loved her country, how she 'wouldn't dream' of living anywhere else! It was so refreshing to hear, because I love Poland too! She said that she loves it here and is happy and when I told her that I too love Poland and the people here she was happy to hear it!

My companion and I are doing great. We're doing better at not being winded after we get flaked, etc. so even though that happened a TON this week, we're surviving and hoping and walking on and really not just surviving but thriving! We love being in Warsaw and serving these people. I'm super grateful to be on a mission and even though there are up's and down's I'm learning, every step a bit more!

And besides all this, I know that God lives and LOVES US!  He answers prayers!The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is SO TRUE!  I'm grateful for it!  Grateful for all it brings with it! 
Love, love, love you!
- Siostra Amber Allen

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