Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Something Fierce

 Monday June 17, 2013
I'm loving this mission stuff something fierce!  And I think that would be a great band name.  Write it down.  :)  I may just start up a band someday called 'Something Fierce' (if it's not already on the market...)
Well, y'all, I just am so glad it's Preparation Day.  It's a beautiful day when I can just read about my family and eat a delicious rhubarb zdrozdziuwka (spelling?) and go to the mall and get our groceries (which we're in serious need of) and just chill a bit before another FANTASTIC week of MISSIONARY work.  I'm grateful that God is okay with breaks.  He's okay with them as long as you know your priorities and still be a missionary.  We still talk to people about the gospel as we're going about our Preparation Day and we still have our name tags and dresses on.  So it's just great!  I love it! 
So that picture you sent me of all the cousins, Ashley is so cute!  Someone please tell her that she is so cute.  And everyone just looks taller, weird!  :) So fun!  I loved getting taller, sometimes still wish I could get taller, but I'm happy that my hair is getting longer, that's good...
This week was really interesting, lots of questions thrown in our direction.  Sometimes we have just the normal lesson where you pray, share your message and ask them questions, then you have the lesson where they've researched your church a little and they want to know ALL about it.  One young man asked us about homosexual relationships, and then we met another man with the same concerns the very next day, and then a young woman who thought that we shouldn't be against it.  We were able to really testify boldly that we KNOW marriage is between a man and a woman and that it's not something you mess with.  The one lady said that 'I could care less what people do on their own time in their own home, they're not hurting me!  It's their deal, leave them alone.'  Well, actually, I told her, everything we do, everything we have, is GOD's DEAL.  Don't you for a second think that you just got here on your own, grew up on your own, and you eat and breathe and sleep all because of yourself.  This is not your deal.  This is God's deal.  These are his rules.  AND He KNOWS what will make you most happy in the long run, it's all about trust.  Do it his way, he'll bless you.  Pray about it if you don't know it's true. 
Prayer is so powerful.  I know with all my heart that prayers are answered.  they are answered for me on a daily basis.  As I pray for help with the language and with just being a missionary, it's hard work, but it can be done with prayer.  Prayer makes everything so much easier.  If you are not praying at least once an hour, pray more!  I could even do better.  But I try to pray consistantly, it really does help loads.
Did I ever tell you about how hillarious my companion is?  Actually maybe 'we' are hillarious combined.  Like the time when she got her scarf stuck in the hair dryer and started jumping up and down screaming 'it's eating it!  It's eating my scarf!' and I nonchalantly bend down and UNPLUG the silly thing from the electricity... yeah well the blow drier is dead... but her scarf was okay...and our house isn't burnt down.... :) :)
Or did I tell you about the time we got milkshakes we got her first p-day here, they put a half a liter of MILK, like just MILK and then some frozen fruit in it and handed it to us to drink... i'm pretty sure the kiwis were curdling the milk.... gross...
Or how this last week we've seemed to be running into a lot of young guys who listen to our message and may just be hitting on us... we're not sure... ugh!  Actually, this one time, we stopped this guy on a bike and talked to him for a minute.  After a few minutes, he told us he wasn't interested in our church but he'd like to take me out for coffee sometime... Uh, I told him we don't go on dates on our missions, besides we don't have time and etc., etc., uh then he was like, 'really you don't have time?'  Well that's not the point, I promised I wouldn't go on dates on my mission - - this is all in polish by the way - - and, I said, besides, I don't drink coffee... 'Well how about tea, I'll just have you over for tea and you guys can tell me a bit about your church.' Uh... no probably not, you'd meet with the Elders, actually, and actually we don't drink tea... 'Well, WATER, we'll meet and talk over some WATER then, you can't do that?!' - Szkoda that I already gave him my ulotka with my NUMBER on it, we ended up saying, sorry nope, can't do that, catch ya later!  Ha... awkward....
I had a weird dream this week... Luke Skywalker was in it... and there was a part where there were two swans fighting, in and out of an under ground lake, dark and watery... a black swan and a white swan...and the black one was the good one... and I asked it why it was black if it was the good one, it said that the necklace it was wearing looked better on black than on white... Then the skywalker dude, we were on a train and we were stow-aways and... not sure who 'we' were, but we jumped off at a train stop, and he waited a bit until it was moving and he fell off a cliff and one of us said to the other, 'he's not very good at train stops...' haha... oh man... weird dreams.  Do we have any interpretations from the crowd?
Well, what else can I say?  Pray for us to have an AWESOME last week together.  It's so weird, I don't want to say good-bye to Sister Young.  She's so awesome!  I love serving with her!  We may go do our 'Culture Night' outing this week, not sure what to visit or do, but that'll be fun.  Pray for people to show up to their meetings and to be at least curious about our church.  Pray for them to have their hearts softened.  I gave a talk in church yesterday about the Restoration.  It's hard because I say a sentance in Polish and then interpret directly to English... but it's alright, I'm trying to get the hang of it.  I felt it went well.  I learned from preparing the talk a few things (some of which I already knew).  1.  Joseph Smith WAS a true prophet.  I love and admire that man and really REALLY want to be worthy to meet him someday.  2. We should all be a little more like him, take some SERIOUS thought about SPIRITUAL matters and MAKE THEM A BIGGER DEAL.  He went to great lengths to figure out which church was true before he went out and prayed about it.  He went 'as often as time permitted' to those religious meetings and read the Bible, and THEN he asked.  If you want personal revelation (which why would you NOT want it, in ANY part of your life) you must STUDY it OUT first, and THEN ask God.  Are you asking God what is his will for you?  For those you have in your stewardship?  I love this principle!
I know that we all have weaknesses, I have tons.  Some are horrible.  Some aren't that big... BUT I know God loves me.  I know because I asked him.  You can ask him too.  Remember he's always there for you.  He loves YOU. 

=)  Till next week!
- Sister Amber Allen

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