finished the Book of Mormon today! I love the second to last and the
third to last verses in the book of mormon, they're SO GOOD. They talk
about us stripping ourselves of all ungodliness, let's do it together,
had an experience yesterday when I was really weak from fasting and
there was a mom and her son hanging out in the park and the mom was all
super protective and coddly with her son, it just made me think of how
much mom's love their kids. Then I had her son, 11 year old Piotrek,
read the promise in Moroni 10. He read it out loud and it just hit me
hard that that book is TRUE. You know when you're fasting, it feels
like you're kind of hollow, and your body and spirit are sort of
disconnected, and your spirit really can feel the holy ghost better, it
was like there was more room for the spirit inside my body or something,
weird to explain, but that's how it felt. Anyways, i got a little
teary-eyed, The Book of Mormon is TRUE everybody, in case you were
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Sister Pearson and I went on a little exchange this week, that was fun. :) |
Thursday morning Elder
Żeleżniak had a really fun super quick District Meeting where we set
goals for the transfer. It got me really pumped up. He's really good
at rallying the troops, even in a small four man city :) I was greatful
for that and had so much faith that things would work out. He gave us a
talk that he received from his Trainer back in the day talking about
how we could do a fourty day cleanse and really give MORE to the Lord.
This cleanse starts out with a 24 hour fast then you are supposed to
write a list of things that 'poke at your spirit' and promise God that
you won't do them for 40 days.
So this starts out with the
fast - from 14:00 Saturday I decided to fast for 24 hours. Well things
after church were hectic and we wanted to still go contact a referral so
16:00 Sunday comes around and we are no where near any food or water. So we were talking to a woman and teaching her
about the Restoration I started feeling really light headed. I had to
sit down on the grass. We still had a long bus ride and tram ride to
get to the chapel. It looked like an uphill experience. I was really
worried that something horrible was happening to me. I ate some of
Sister King's peanuts and water which she had in her back pack and hoped
that would help, I don't think it helped... We weren't really sure
what it was, dehydration or something with my blood... after I got off
the bus, I had a hard time getting to the tramwaj and once on the
tramwaj I was just sure I was going to pass out or throw up on someone.
We got out of the tramwaj and I tried walking to the chapel and threw
up three times on the way, haha, oh looking back now, I'm so stupid,
should have just brought food to eat!!! So then I felt better after
throwing up and made it to the chapel. Sister King was so sweet the
whole time, she carried my backpack and then fixed me tacos and told me
to put my feet up and lay down. She's a good doctor. I love Sister
King. I told Sister King that we still had to give away a book of
mormon and teach a lesson that night to reach some goals we'd set (Kind
of like James getting that goal after he was sick) and so we went out
and I felt good enough and God placed this guy from Egypt on a park
bench. His bus didn't come for 25 minutes. So we sat and taught him
about repentance and prayer - he needs a lot of it, he's really messed
up his life. Poor guy. Anyways, it was a cool experience, we have his
number and I hope God can help him turn his life around. Then on the
tramwaj we met a kid who's uncle is a Mormon! Cool! He wants to read
the Book of Mormon, so we gave it to him :) He's a Jehowah's Witness,
but if he reads that book, and prays about it, I know he'll be a Mormon
in no time too :)
Sister King has been awesome
this week, and has really got us into some places that I know I wouldn't
have gotten had I been alone, or with any other companion :) We were
talking to different people on this tramwaj on Friday night and it was
our stop and I went to get off and saw that Sister King was still
talking to someone,so I went and was gong to tell her we needed to get
off, but didn't, she wasnt' getting up. Cool. So we kept going a few
more stops and talking to this lady, who we later found out was named
Anetta. I don't even know what we were talking about but she didn't
seem super interested, but was really friendly. She thought it was cool
that Sister King was learning polish, I think it's cool that Sister
King is learning polish too! Anyways, so I decided it wasn't going
anywhere and said we're going to get off the next stop, let's give you a
pass-along card thingy, and we get off and keep talking to her and she
says good bye once, and shakes our hands and Sister King just keeps
talking to her... and we say good-bye a second time, shake hands, and I
don't know how it happened but somehow we kept talking, she asked us a
question or something and then she INVITES US TO HER HOUSE! We hadn't
eaten dinner yet that night and she also FED US! And introduced us to
her son and husband. Her son loves fishing and is 12 years old and
blonde and plays the violin :) I love him! His name is Kuba. We got
along well :) Ah man, I love deacons... always have and always
will...they're the coolest age. Anyways, we got to teach them about the
Restoration and they listened really nicely. Sister King was bold
enough to ask them to turn off the t.v. I was so grateful for that, I
hate asking if they'll turn it off, I feel rude, especially when they
just invited us over and gave us pickle soup - which was so DELICIOUS -
and cookies and juice cuz we don't drink tea :) Ah man, what a fun
night. Kuba read that promise in the book of mormon out loud as well,
and the spirit was there. I asked Aneta what she was feeling, she said
'peace' and that they ought to read more as a family out loud in the
bible - EXACTLY! :) Well they are just going to get baptized, although
they don't know it yet :) :) After that lesson I gave Sister King a
huge hug, what a cool feeling!
Anyways, some hard things hit
this week for me, but I know it's just Satan trying to get the best of
me, I'm not going to let it happen. Nie bój się! :) Nie lękaj się!
Everything's gunna be sweet! I memorized a scripture this week,
'Wszystko mogę w tym, który mnie wzmacnia, w Chrystusie' - it means, 'I
can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me' - AWESOME!
TRUE! And we still saw lots of miracles, so it's just going to be great,
whatever happens, I have to trust that God knows best! and just keep
I love you all! The church is true! It's getting cold real fast here in Poland, I forgot about the cold, weird.
And so it goes,
Love you all
-Siostra Amber Allen
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