Monday, September 23, 2013

Allen the Mormon Nun!

Um my companion LOVES chocolate :) so that's why she's all excited about the Chocolate Factory!

Yeah so we were walking down the dark streets of Poland on our way home, had about an awkward 10 minutes left and tried to contact someone, there really was no one about.  I'm praying that someone will come around the corner...there's the sillouhette of a couple walking around the corner and I say good evening to them and the man goes, 'It's Allen, the Mormon Nun' - in English... haha... WHAT!?  We'd met this guy a while back.  Him and his wife are WAY nice, but not interested in the gospel.  They just speak really good english, and I think they're a bit happy about that, that they speak good english.  Which is fine by me.  They insisted on talking to us in english and we exchanged pleasentries.  I asked him at the end of the conversation to repeat what he'd called me because I thought it was funny.  He said sorry for calling me that, but I said again, 'no I really thought it was funny, I'm going to tell my family about it' - so now you are all hearing it :)  Anyways, if anything they like us and know we're not horrible people!
This week we saw lots of miracles.  Anna made it to church!  In Warsaw!  Her baptismal date is the 12th of October, PLEASE pray for her.  I love her so much!  Have I even said much about her?  She's 23, loves rollerblading, and is engaged.  She loves the Book of Mormon and the Bible.  She's just so awesome I can't handle it sometimes.  After lessons with her I feel edified and happy.  That's how it ought to be!  Yes!
We got TEXTING back in the mission!  And already set up two lessons with it!  YES!  Let's move forward the work! 
My companion and I are getting along and having fun.  Sister King is very brave to talk to people on tramwajs and her polish is improving every day.  She's like me in the fact that she forgets things and we get to re-learn polish phrases sometimes . I'm pretty sure I was like that with Polish for a long time, asking questions over and over again :) Oh polish, how I love thee! 
I've been reading in Deutoronomy recently, because that is where Anna is at in her reading of the Bible and I wanted to read with her.  Recently I decided to read all in Polish so that's been also an interesting twist on Personal Study.  I read about how the people are teaching their kids to remember Moses.  Then in the Book of Mormon, which I started over, there's also that again, remember Moses!  Then Nathan sent that e-mail today talking about remembering Job.  I just love the Prophets, and all they teach us.  I'm so grateful for this life.  As hard at it is, it's so beautifully hard.  It's like... ah man... it just wouldn't be near as breathtaking if it didn't have that PUNCH to it, you know? :) :)   I'm grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow.  Roll with the punches :)
I know Christ lives and loves us.  I know everything will be alright in the end, and if it's not alright, it's not the end!
Love you all tons,
-Siostra Amber Allen

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