Thursday, October 3, 2013


Dzień Dobry! 
An awesome eventful week!  I'm super excited to tell you about it!  I also got e-mails from some awesome people today!  So thanks everyone who sent me something!
You know what, I don't know if I just assumed that my last transfer would be like easy or...what... But it's turning out to be pretty hard.  I love it still, but just a lot of mixed emotions and craziness​!  I guess it's good, the refiner's fire just got hotter, I guess there's some things I really need purged out of me before I know where....  One thing I've been learning again this week is about confidence.  I have felt sometimes that I'm not being guided by the Holy Ghost like I'd like to be.  But then I remember that he that is compelled in all things the same is a slothful and not a wise servant.  Also with being Sister Training Leader and Senior Companion with a Trainee and having this be my last transfer, a lot of people think I've got things figured out out here.  And I insist that I don't have them figured out, I mean I have them way MORE figured out than I did at the beginning of my mission, but I get asked so many questions and have a lot of decisions to make and I just start feeling the pressure sometimes. Then I get sick... haha... I'm sick again, yes.  I have a head cold, it's all up in here!  And anyways, I just hope that I can be the girl that everyone seems to think I am! :)  I was telling President Edgren yesterday... Ah yes, President Edgren visited us this week, he got here Saturday evening and took us to dinner.  It was delicious - Mexican food!  They had Mexican Independance stuff up all around the restaurant, so that was fun, reminded me of Nathan!  I talked to the young kid behind the counter, he looked like 15 or something, they've lived in Poland for two years now.  I hope he likes it here.  He was cool, Martin was his name.  Then the older guy who cleaned off our table and got our orders, he was cool too.  We left them a pass along card.  He says his best friend is Mormon back in Mexico!  Then Sunday, President Edgren came to church with us and had interviews with Sister King and I. (Haha, The King and I... makes me think of Rishi!) As I was talking to him I mentioned that sometimes I feel like I don't know where to go and then I get frustrated that maybe I'm not listening correctly to the Spirit or something and then when you are frustrated, you can't hear the Spirit anyways, so it just gets worse and goes in a downward spiral.  Well, I don't know if it was something President said, or something I just felt, but yesterday I really got this strong impression that I just need to have more confidence.  I need to believe in myself, trust my instincts, act upon them, and stop second guessing myself.  No more question marks.  I know that Christ was confident in himself, and we can be too.  Especially as His representatives!
I also got to go on a fun exchange this week to Kielce.  Man those girls..oops sorry, SISTERS... are ripping it up out there.  (My trainee, Siostra Hemming-2 months in the country- is out there with Sister Howell's trainee, Sister Barth -4 months in the country) (Sister Barth is in the picture with me and the other pictures are of Kielce) The Kielce branch is really small, but just got a new chapel, they were also preparing an Anna for baptism there in Kielce.  The baptism went through!  So Poland has a new member as of yesterday! :) YAY!
Me pointing to a map of Kielce
I can't find my gloves or my hair brush... o where is my hair brush? :) So if you want to pray for me to find them, that'd be cool.  I don't want to have to buy new ones...
This week we met some interesting characters:
Artur: He speaks 12 languages and wants to learn about 100... :) haha... oh boy...
A girl with bright BLUE hair... President Edgren walked past her and said 'there's some green hair for you' haha... I couldn't figure out if he really thought it was green or if he just said green and meant blue... :)
But my favorite part of the week was Sunday when we were in RELIEF SOCIETY cuz we have RELIEF SOCIETY now days!  And we were sitting there and Sister Agata Tutorhart - who is an ANGEL and I LOVE HER!  gave a SUPER inspired lesson on BAPTISM with both Magda and Anna there.  It was the COOLEST feeling of my life.  And Anna knew all the right answers!  And you could tell in her eyes that she understood them too.  It's so cool to see people's progression!  Peter Johnson sent me an up-date of his mission recently and talked about how cool it is to see them progress.  I agree, it's just so AWESOME!  She had a problem with living prophets a while back and yet yesterday during the lesson when Agata asked her and Magda who the living prophet was dzisiaj, she perked up and goes 'THOMAS S. MONSON' AH YEAH!  That's my girl!  I love her!  I seriously love her guts.  I want to come back for her wedding... and we decided that one of my kids will marry one of her kids :) haha.  Ah man, God is good.
Anyways, love you all so much!  Keep your head up.  And I'll do my best to keep mine up.  Ah, I love e-mailing.  Thanks for being the backbone to my mission, family.  I would have died long ago with out you.  You keep me strong and happy and excited and energized.  And it's all thanks to God.  I tell people every day that everything good in my life comes from this Church and from God.  and it's TRUE!  Keep sharing the gospel!  Keep shining bright!
Siostra Amber Allen
Anyways, don't have much time, didn't read EVERYONE's letters

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