Dear Family,
Trying not to stress... do you ever... yeah you probably do... feel
like you have a million and a half things to do and no time in which to
do them? Yeah, that's how I feel! But we get things checked off the
list every so often, so that's cool! :) And I should just enjoy the
rush :) YEAH! Just going from 3 experienced sisters to one is a lot in
a few days! But guess what! GOD IS ON OUR SIDE :) And what's the
worst that could happen, i could go to jail, maybe a den of lions, have
to walk accross a desert in the winter... nah, it's gunna be good! :)
week has been crazy. I know that several times this week I've had
something happen and think, WELL, I'd better tell my family about that!
Then later okazało się że nie pamiętam! Przepraszam! Today it is
rainy and a bit cold. I've been meaning to tell you about the weather
for a long time but keep forgetting. It's starting to look a lot like
FALL around here, and its psyching me out! This is not happening! (the
passage of time, that is) - crazy.
I had to say goodbye to some of my favorite people this week. On
Tuesday we did a free-board with the Elders and then went to Długas for
our last time as a district. Elder Walter left us this week, NOT COOL.
I'm gunna miss the man. He's such an AWESOME święta osoba. (Sorry I
just feel like writing more in Polish today, sorry if you have to
translate it.) I also had to say goodbye to Sister Young and Sister
Hemming. Sister Hemming gets the privilege of opening up Kielce for
Sisters, I'm so proud of her, she's going to do great things! And
Sister Young gets to go to the great city of Łódż (I was there on an
exchange once and really liked it) - and she's going to get the Standard
this transfer, I can just feel it :) :) :) I'm so excited to see what
these girls do with their missions and with their lives, they seriously
are my heros. (And I miss them like none other).
good bye to Siostra Young and Hemming |
| We met again wtih the Rooster ManApparently he's more famous than we think. -- He talked to us
more about aliens this time, aw the adventures! |
We had a lesson with Anna and she asked
to meet with the Sisters again the next day - she's SO AWESOME! And
she's like for sure going to get baptized! HURRAH! I'm so, so
excited. So excited that I squealed after she came to ALL THREE HOURS
of CHURCH on Sunday! Oh man, I love her!
my new companion |
Then I went to Warsaw this week to pick
up my new trainee! Her name is Sister King, from Utah. She's spunky
and has lots and lots of faith. I'm excited because I prayed for my
next companion to have lots of faith. I really want to see miracles
here in Kraków and now that I feel like I know a bit more how faith
works after last week - not this last week, but the one before it - I
just want to see it happen again. And one thing this requires is NO
DOUBTS. I can't let them enter my mind. It's a hard game, but I'm
learning to play and it's awesome!
Warsaw we had a fun time, but it was weird cuz there was more down time
than I'm used to... You guys are really going to have to put me to work
when I get back around because um... I don't like free time. It's
awkward and makes me feel all yucky. In fact I think Elder Walter had
it worse than I do, wonder if he's back in California pacing right now?
:) Haha...
got to then participate in a meeting with the leaders of the Poland
Warsaw Mission - and I was super emotional and it was stupid. The night
before we'd had a testimony meeting and one of the Elders is 18 years
old. His name is Elder Fogg. He's Nathan's size too, shorter, skinny,
looks like he plays soccer, not blonde, but still... He was sick when he
got into Warsaw, and so when he bore his testimony about being homesick
and sick at the same time I just got thinking about Nathan and... then
the next morning during testimony meeting Elder Rittmanic tells us a
story about getting head-butted in the FACE! I just started thinking
about Nathan and Gregg and... lost it. I stood up to bear my testimony
and had a hard time getting the words out. I thanked the Elders for
their example. I love the Elders of our mission, serioulsy, haven't met
a bad apple yet! I love every missionary in this mission, they're so
STELLAR! I just, man, I know that this work is real. This church is
TRUE! God stands at the head of this work and He leads out in knowing
where we ought to be and what we ought to do. And because of that I
know it's okay that I won't see Nate for so long. I love you, Nate, and
Gregg too! Please don't get head butted in the face where I can't be
there to punch the guy back for you. o.k. no I'm not going to do that,
but, aaah! Stay safe. Please?
met a girl in the train station who was wearing a white jeans jacket on
with patches from star wars. She gets together with other people and
like re-enacts starwars scenes or something, not quite sure. She was
cool. We magically got 16 lessons again this week, a lot of street
lessons, but AWESOME stuff, we're going to get 15 lessons every week
this transfer, especially if you pray for us to get it and you have
faith with me :) It's gunna be sweet!
I gave a talk on Nephi this last Sunday
in church. Because i have a cold, I was a bit worried that my cough
wouldn't let me get through it.... It was good for me though, until the
last like five minutes. Then Brat Onken had to go get me a drink of
water. I love our branch! :) :) and it just got bigger, I told you
about the two new families that moved into our branch, right? Cool. SO
Listen to the Spirit this week, everyone, it's real and it works!
I read in Mormon this morning - everyone
is dying and it's so sad, that must have been so hard. But I know
Mormon had the spirit with him and he said something about preaching the
gospel to every creature :) So I'm going to do that, every CREATURE!
Love you all so, so, so much,
-Siostra Amber Allen